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[首相府] 【首相府新聞發佈會】關於友國君主個人宣稱聯合王國屬他國政治擴張一部分












發表於 2023-9-17 18:16:54 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
Regarding the personal claim of the Monarch of the United Eurovia stating that the United Kingdom is part of another country's political expansion

Victoria, 17th September, 2023


It has come to the attention of His Majesty's Government that His Majesty Alder I of the United Eurovia (hereinafter referred to as the "The Monarch ") has authored an article titled "Qinghe Imperialism" in the "Micronational Encyclopedia." The article discusses the "expansionist behaviours of the United Empire of Great Qinghe  in politics, culture, territory, and media influence abroad." However, the article lacks objective factual support for its value judgments and presents only one-sided perspectives. The Monarch mentions the United Kingdom within the text, stating:


"Political and diplomatic expansion: Shunwa and his associates concurrently held important positions in different countries, including the United Eurovia and the United Victoria Kingdom. They also held positions in the Ukraming Empire and Dongping prior to the establishment of the United Empire of Great Qinghe , resulting in a high degree of similarity in power composition across different nations."


Her Majesty's Government confirms that Mr "Shunwa" has not held any positions within His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom. The term "associates of Shunwa" is also ambiguous, as the Monarch, who authored the article, could also be considered as one of the "Shunwa's associates."


As a member of the same Diplomatic Union of Ching Hwa, the Monarch's biased content in the article unfairly undermines the sovereignty of the United Kingdom. His Majesty's Government must clarify that the United Kingdom is a sovereign and independent nation. The origins of the majority of the founding members of the United Kingdom lie in political events that took place on or before 23rd May 2020 in other countries. It predates their acquaintance with Mr Shunwa.


His Majesty's Government reiterates that the United Victoria Kingdom is a sovereign and independent nation, exercising independent sovereignty over national administration and foreign affairs. The United Kingdom also includes numerous members who have not been associated with Mr Shunwa's involvement in other countries. Additionally, the decision-making within the United Kingdom involves the participation of these numerous members.


His Majesty's Government unequivocally respects the freedom of expression of all individuals, but any value judgments should be based on objective facts to provide fair commentary. His Majesty's Government regrets the actions of the Monarch of the United Eurovia.


Based on the understanding of His Majesty's Government, the mentioned article represents the personal actions of the Monarch and does not reflect the stance of the government of the United Eurovia. His Majesty's Government will closely monitor the situation in the United Eurovia and hopes that this incident will not affect the relationship between the United Kingdom and the United Eurovia as both continue to be members of the same community and maintaining close ties.


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